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I have turned my passion for food that awakens all senses into a truly rewarding opportunity to meet people and share my passion...


I love healthy food prepared from quality ingredients immediately served for ultimate freshness. What fuels my love for food is its ability to awaken all senses transforming the act of eating into a delightful, unforgettable experience.


Born in Thailand, my life has taken me to many exciting places around the world - Asia, Europe, North America, Africa... As a result of these unique experiences, I have learned one simple truth: while cultures and languages differ, what unites us all is our need to share our passions and our stories with those we love. Often times, such sharing happens around the table with good food, friends and family. A truly priceless time...


As I moved from country to country, I promised myself to always stay real and authentic, no matter where I am. I have also promised myself to never stop delighting my family, friends and my clients with food that is lovingly prepared, masterfully balanced and always authentic, fresh and healthy.


Honest and Authentic Food that Awakens All Senses.

That's my promise.

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